Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Back to Life

Dear All, we arrived with daily life on suspension. I will meet Daniel, Marcelo and Tatiana next days, to start to think about some small publication, also with GearInside images and brief texts from everyone.

This time, in Rotterdam, we've learned about a very different way to think institutional art support and art making.

To propose a practical experience of 7 artists from Brasil in Nederlands for just 15 days may sounds obvious. Therefore, conceptual and visual results were very strong. An urban context will never be a merely scenarium for an artwork - if the work arose from certain strange place/envoirnment.

Ways of art working says about ways of living life. In or outside institutions or streets.

(to be continue...!)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Log on to the blog

Is there still nobody to Blog?

You can get the login information from Daniela Labra.
So lets be democratic and all make this Blog an interesting eclectic Electronic Magazine!
You can write in Portugese or English or both or not write at all and just post your images and drawings.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cover FGA#10

Cover FGA#10
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Dear Parambulars,
Nienke and I like to let you know that we are really sorry that we could not be for 100% involved in Perambulaçao. Anyway, we are still busy to get our magazine ready for the printer on wednesday... and it looks like THIS!!! Format is A5, 160 pages plus an insert from Museum Boijman Van Beuningen. FGA-THE INTERVIEWS with: Chris Dercon, Catherine David, Sjarel Ex, Wilma Suto, Arno van Roosmalen and others + two text/research on Boijmans and a Fable. We are participating in a big exhibition in Boijmans and the magazine is our work! So, we hope you had a nice time in Rotterdam, and maybe... someday we will come to Rio and Sao Paulo. When? We don't know.love,from the editors of Fucking Good Art / Rob & Nienke

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Awaken from Lethargy

Art and Public Life in São Paulo at the Century’s Turn – by Suely Rolnik / RÉSUMÉS/ABSTRACTS 116 Parachute Magazine

Guest editor Suely Rolnik introduces this special issue with background commentary on Brazil’s colonial history and the effects of global capitalism, remarks on the development of the art scene through dictatorship and commercial boon, and descriptions of Sao Paulo as a city of particular complexity, intensity and productivity. She foregrounds the recent proliferation of a particular genre of art practice – public intervention – which is activist, event-oriented, collaborative, even humourous. Seeking to invent new ways of existing within the urban context, as well as resolving the inequalities afflicting many of its residents, this mode of practice also aims to reconfigure art as an essential function to collective life.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Question Reality

Question Reality
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Photo for Perambulaçao Rotterdam june 2005
©Rob Hamelijnck

About perambulaçao in a "White Cube"

What we willll see tomorrow?
Please have in mind that brasilian artists will not show art pieces or final products at Het Welde Weten, but just impressions about perambulacão experience in the city of Rotterdam. For the group is very nice to show our researches after a period here.

Is it clear that Perambulação (in Rotterdam) is a process and not a conclusive project? Why show a Process?

It has to do with our way of live and work with art. In Brasil everything in art is complicate, specially when it has financial support involved. This is a mentality problem, rather than money. Politics simply does not care about education and culture in general. So than, we dont keep waiting the right conditions to do something, but we simply do the better we can - even if 'the better' is not The Best. We transform better into The Best while we keep trying, not waiting....

This project is not about art in public space (only), but is more about foreigners in strange spaces. As (i hope) will happen with Dutch artists in Brasil. Questions like 'to whom belong the Public Space' and 'What is public/what is not' is in aim of the actions/works/documentations of each one. Artists can realize your works/projects based on the questions they need or want to make.

The curatorial perspective here has nothing to do with an obligation for artists.

Daniela Labra

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Urban Activists take over the Art World

Here are two small texts that explains what is happening in Sao Paulo/Rio, and how contemporary Brazilian artists deal with public space.
the editor

contra-filé, Lucas Bambozzi et_and Ricardo Rosas

This textual collage on “the urgency of the real” addresses several of the current crises affecting Sao Paulo. Edited from months of conversations between artists and urban activists, it highlights the major concerns of those living and working in the city: homelessness, the redevelopment of public space, social and economic equality. The diversity of opinions expressed here, relating to the political efficacy of art, processes of collaboration and networking, the function of art institutions, as well as tactics for communicating with the public at large, reveal the importance of intervention for a growing number of contemporary Sao Paulo artists.

Rubens Mano
An Art of Space and its Production
par_by Laymert Garcia dos Santos

At the same time constituted by and a constituent of space, the work of Rubens Mano utilizes the strategies of intervention, installation and photography to transform the subject into “the perceived.” It is in this way, according to the author, that Mano experiments with the use of spatial relationships that interrogate the passage of the real to the virtual, of the public to the private, of the territory of art to the urban context. Drawing from the writings of Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, the author concludes that the public and political bearing in Mano’s work consists in making the spectator into a heterotopic citizen.


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

con • sens • us
água morte - água viva
Hoek van Holland for perambulaçao june 2005

17:30 final performance   -      Leuvehoofd
underneath Erasmus bridge / Leuvehaven

Try Again Tomorrow2

Try Again Tomorrow2
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Alexandre Vogler for perambulaçao june8 2005
Pleas Click VIDEO ARCHIEF to see video...


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Daniel Lima for Perambulaçao june 2005


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Daniel Lima fo Perambulaçao Rotterdam june 2005

Rotterdam VHS Festival #9

Rotterdam VHS Festival #9Vrijdag/friday Juni 10th 2005/ Doors open 21.00 hrs /Start show 21.30 hrs Damage / entree €2,--
Het Wilde Weten Projectspace/Robert Fruinstraat 35/Rotterdam

Deelnemende kunstenaars/ participating artists:
Allard Zoetman - Cecille Paris - Ckoe - Daniel Lima - Delta inc. – FCKN’ BSTRDS - Frank Stassen - Han Hoogerbrugge - Jeroen Kuster - Joe Nanashe - Motomichi Nakamura - Ruth Baettig - Simon Bogojevic-Narath - Wim Jongedijk& Erik Urlings - Yarre Stooker

Na afloop feest met/ afterparty with:

MP3J cd-wisselaer Bass


Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Robert Fruinstraat 35 Rotterdam

FROM 13:00 TO 18:00


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Renata for Perambulacao Rotterdam June 2005

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Perambulação is an immersive project. Brazilian artists are invited to come to Rotterdam and develop 'urban space works' taking into account the different social, environmental and cultural realities in both countries, Brazil and The Netherlands. This episode (Rotterdam) of the project is related to the 2nd International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam "The Flood". It is fundamental that the art interventions try to give an answer or react to some of the present Dutch urban concerns: water management, immigrants, traffic, land occupation and, of course, the architecture in the city itself.

The group of Brazilian artists are in Rotterdam for just 20 days, therefore the interventions or works in process are being considered as research. At present, after 15 days in the city, the artists gathered many experiences. They have been discussing ideas, made concepts and drawings, and did some live interventions which they have documented on video and photo's.

Our position as foreigners, outsiders or strangers is extremely important: to keep a critical eye... all the time. Not in a negative sense but in a very deep and rich way of challenging the ordinary and the daily experience, to provoke new experiences, feelings and thoughts.

For the second phase of Perambulação a group of Dutch artists is invited to Brazil to do projects in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in 2006.
Daniela Labra


água morte - água viva / Invitation to Secret Dancers
Thursday June 9th AFTERNOON / performance /in Rotterdam / check this weblog afer Wednesday 18:00 for date & time / come, sense us! :-)
Thomas K

Monday, June 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

hi all,
i'm sending a foto of the float i want to build for
one rotterdam's water. i'm collecting all i can find
that can float and has a defined color. i want it to
have about 2 meters diameter, so i'm working on it!
best greetings folks,

Art is Dead

Art is Dead
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Video work in progress for internet /Perambulação Rotterdam June 5th 2005/©rob hamelijnck
Check Video Archief

Friday, June 03, 2005

con•sens•us /  água morte - água viva

con•sens•us /  água morte - água viva / Thomas Körtvélyessy with Aharona Israel+incidental guests
a one-plus... day performance series of travelling improvisations
relating the stilled waters of the city and the moving water in our bodies

dates & times:
10:00 beach of Hoek van Holland
15:00 canal at crossing of Witte de Withstraat / Eendrachtsweg
16:30 Wijnhaven, between Gaperstraat (Willem de Kooning Academie) and Posthoornstraat

(to be confirmed, please check the weblog in before you go http://perambulacao.blogspot.com/)
15:00 starting from bridge of Linker Rottekade to Noordplein and continuing along Zaagmolenkade

NOTE: performances will be cancelled in case of heavy raining
directions: - Hoek van Holland, take stoptrein at 9:11 AM from Rotterdam Central Station to Hoek van Holland Strand until the very last stop. Then call 06-27493972 for contact & we will come and pick you up.
- Witte de With. Metro Eendrachtsplein, or tram 5
- Wijnhaven. Metro Blaak (also has a trainstation, one stop from Rotterdam CS direction Dordrecht)
- Zaagmolenkade (to be confirmed, check weblog in advance) tram 8 to Oostplein, stop at Zaagmolenkade

Part of perambulação / 2nd Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
curated by Mirta Demare and Daniela Labra

come, sense us! :-)


We have the kind permission from the tenant of the parasite LP2, on top of Las Palmas, to use the upper floor for a discursive meeting on Monday night. I will be there to let you in at 18:00 SHARP!!!, we will have to meet each other at the front door of Las Palmas (Wilhelminakade side) at 18:00 hrs to go in together. the door locks again behind us, because of the bienale inside.

For the program for that evening i would like to suggest to have some serious, but informal discussions about common issues we might have found in each others work after the inspiring introduction yesterday. maybe we can post the questions to speak about hereby as comments.

The space is really small for 16 people, but we could just fit around the large table. there is also a terrace we can use, but i am already warned that is is very often too windy to be very comfortable for long.

START 18:00

BRING SOME DRINKS AND FINGER FOOD TO EAT>so that we can have a nice time.

see you all later!
wendelien /06 1984 2271


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.

3. Container's city - an poetic license!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June 2 / Presentations in Het Wilde Weten

Tomorrow June 2 / 20:00 at 'het wilde weten'presentations.
address: r.fruinstraat 35. (rotterdamwest)
jeroen j.


Tomorrow at 20.00 hs. all artists of the project will make a short presentation of their  activities and works (not the one to be performed due to the Biennial) . Daniela Labra will present the Brazilian group. The Dutch group will do each other by themselves . Please, take into account that everybody has 10 minutes per artist and not to extend the presentation, be short and snappy.

Het Wilde Weten
Robert Fruinstraat 35
3021XB NL / Rotterdam

Brazilian Artists at the Faculty of Architecture

My dear Brazilian artists (and whoeverelse is interested),

Paul Meurs is available to talk to you here at the Faculty of Architecture of TU Delft THIS Thursday at 15:00 hours. The address is BERLAGEWEG 1, Delft.

In order to come here you should take the train to Delft Zuid and WALK 15 minutes (in which case I advise you to bring a map) or take a train to Delft (Centraal) and take bus 129 in direction to Rotterdam, get off at Balthasar van der Polweg.

It is easier if you look at www.9292ov.nl a site that gives you the complete itinerary and routes by public transportation anywhere in The Netherlands.

Please, arrive a little bit before 15:00 and I will give you the "grand tour" of the building. You will find me at 9 floor, room 9.07, behind elevators. Or call me at my mobile!

Hope to see you then!!!