Cover FGA#10

Cover FGA#10
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.
Dear Parambulars,
Nienke and I like to let you know that we are really sorry that we could not be for 100% involved in Perambulaçao. Anyway, we are still busy to get our magazine ready for the printer on wednesday... and it looks like THIS!!! Format is A5, 160 pages plus an insert from Museum Boijman Van Beuningen. FGA-THE INTERVIEWS with: Chris Dercon, Catherine David, Sjarel Ex, Wilma Suto, Arno van Roosmalen and others + two text/research on Boijmans and a Fable. We are participating in a big exhibition in Boijmans and the magazine is our work! So, we hope you had a nice time in Rotterdam, and maybe... someday we will come to Rio and Sao Paulo. When? We don't,from the editors of Fucking Good Art / Rob & Nienke
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