Perambulação is an immersive project. Brazilian artists are invited to come to Rotterdam and develop 'urban space works' taking into account the different social, environmental and cultural realities in both countries, Brazil and The Netherlands. This episode (Rotterdam) of the project is related to the 2nd International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam "The Flood". It is fundamental that the art interventions try to give an answer or react to some of the present Dutch urban concerns: water management, immigrants, traffic, land occupation and, of course, the architecture in the city itself.
The group of Brazilian artists are in Rotterdam for just 20 days, therefore the interventions or works in process are being considered as research. At present, after 15 days in the city, the artists gathered many experiences. They have been discussing ideas, made concepts and drawings, and did some live interventions which they have documented on video and photo's.
Our position as foreigners, outsiders or strangers is extremely important: to keep a critical eye... all the time. Not in a negative sense but in a very deep and rich way of challenging the ordinary and the daily experience, to provoke new experiences, feelings and thoughts.
For the second phase of Perambulação a group of Dutch artists is invited to Brazil to do projects in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in 2006.
Daniela Labra
The group of Brazilian artists are in Rotterdam for just 20 days, therefore the interventions or works in process are being considered as research. At present, after 15 days in the city, the artists gathered many experiences. They have been discussing ideas, made concepts and drawings, and did some live interventions which they have documented on video and photo's.
Our position as foreigners, outsiders or strangers is extremely important: to keep a critical eye... all the time. Not in a negative sense but in a very deep and rich way of challenging the ordinary and the daily experience, to provoke new experiences, feelings and thoughts.
For the second phase of Perambulação a group of Dutch artists is invited to Brazil to do projects in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in 2006.
Daniela Labra
Goodmorning. It is nice that the Brazilian Artists are working on some art pieces for public space. And I think some will be very interesting. But I also think we need to go for more. You are writing about "keeping a critical eye". I don't feel and hear any critical ideas on this subject; ART IN PUBLIC SPACE. There is a long history in ART IN THE WHITE CUBE VS ART IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. So I think we need to ask ourselfs what does this mean?! What does it mean in Rotterdam (Holland) and what does it mean in Sao Paulo (Brazil)?! What position will you take? This is why I am involved in this project and this is what I think the project must try to articulate. We need to give definition to the project!
(this e-mail was send to me by Dani, but why have a Blog and not comment and discuss on it...)
Hi Rob.
Yes, there are no explicit critic about ART IN PUBLIC SPACE, and yes, of course it has a long history in ART IN THE WHITE CUBE VS ART IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. Anyway, I invited artists who has in the public space a fundamental source for their art production, and which concernigns goes beyond the discussion white cube X public domain. the public domain are so important for them, that the question about this, is already in all of their works... Therefore, the original project is not about that discussion only. The artists has in their concernings the discussion about institutional art context on the streets and the urban envoirnment inside institutions, and the presentation we made last week could show it better. i guess is more urgent for us (also because our short time here) to take impressions about your so different social reality and propose actions to promote a reflexion about it.
But if you are more interest to discuss art in public space, is totally perfect. I am sure this discussion will change when you visit Brasil.
To whom belongs the public space.... Is a question underneath each work, I guess.
Love, dani
If nobody want to talk about the Perambulaçao project why don't we skip the meetings? Then we also could meet in the park and have a BBQ and nice cold beers. Now, to me, it feels like an obligation, something we must do.
You write that for the Brazilian artists that the public domain is vital for their artistic production. Why?
Also you write that they are much further in the discussion white cube vs public domain... Can you explain this to me?
At the same time I observe a more than normal obsesion with the white cube spaces and curators. What I see is the Brazilian artist do all this urban art interventions to make a video or a photo (documentation) and this is the real art piece!!! So public space is not a space for activism and revelution, but is in some way an atelier or a studio space... like Helio Oiticica, or Christo in his early days, or Sigurdur Gudmunson in the eighties.
Please explain the Brazilian way of art production to me!
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