Friday, June 10, 2005

About perambulaçao in a "White Cube"

What we willll see tomorrow?
Please have in mind that brasilian artists will not show art pieces or final products at Het Welde Weten, but just impressions about perambulacão experience in the city of Rotterdam. For the group is very nice to show our researches after a period here.

Is it clear that Perambulação (in Rotterdam) is a process and not a conclusive project? Why show a Process?

It has to do with our way of live and work with art. In Brasil everything in art is complicate, specially when it has financial support involved. This is a mentality problem, rather than money. Politics simply does not care about education and culture in general. So than, we dont keep waiting the right conditions to do something, but we simply do the better we can - even if 'the better' is not The Best. We transform better into The Best while we keep trying, not waiting....

This project is not about art in public space (only), but is more about foreigners in strange spaces. As (i hope) will happen with Dutch artists in Brasil. Questions like 'to whom belong the Public Space' and 'What is public/what is not' is in aim of the actions/works/documentations of each one. Artists can realize your works/projects based on the questions they need or want to make.

The curatorial perspective here has nothing to do with an obligation for artists.

Daniela Labra


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