Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Perambulação - Urban Intervention Project
Perambulação - Urban Intervention Project
Perambulação é um projeto em processo entre Brasil e Holanda iniciado em 2003, com o projeto GearInside, cujo foco eram residencias artísticas curtas para pesquisa sobre a urbe e discussões sobre diferentes modos de compreensão e utilização das instâncias públicas. Aconteceu duas vezes em Rotterdam e em 2006 é esperado no Brasil um grupo de artistas baseados na Holanda para dar continuidade às discussões do projeto no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo.
Perambulação (Wandering) is a long term-project between Brasil and Holand started in 2003, focusing artistic short residencies, urban research and discussion about public space uses and meanings. It happened twice in Rotterdam and in 2006 we expect to receive a group of holand-based artists to keep developing the same discussions in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Artistas brasileiros que participaram do projeto em Rotterdam (2003-2005): Alexandre Vogler, Daniel Lima, Edson Barrus, Grupo Contra-Filé, Felipe Barbosa, Marcelo Cidade, Rosana Ricalde, Rubens Mano e Tatiana Ferraz.
Curated By Daniela Labra (BRA) and Mirta Demare (HL)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Fucking Good Art - International / Berlin

Fucking Good Art - International / Berlin
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.
Fucking Good Art - International edition | Berlin / Out Now! and available in art book stores around the world | Order at, or via / 10 euro / 160 pages / ISBN 9059730437 | interviews with: Harm Lux, Waling Boers, Thomas Scheibitz, Manfred Pernice, Jeroen Jacobs and more... | 9 pages Guide to 40 independent art spaces Berlin | a Meta Comic on 'the Suitcase Artist' by Michael Baers and a novel by Dany Müller/ Starship about a dead gallerist from London, and more...
Fucking Good Art | Rob Hamelijnck & Nienke Terpsma /
Thursday, September 15, 2005
News from Rotterdam
Nienke and I were invited to take part of a international symposium/workshop in Dresden (former DDR) at Kunsthaus Dresden on Wild Capital. A week with lectures and field trips in the city to explore the possibilities for work in public space related to the theme. In December there will be an exhibition in Kunsthaus Dresden an there willl be work in the public domain.
We are still hoping to come to Sao Paulo next year.
Rob and Nienke
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Back to Life
This time, in Rotterdam, we've learned about a very different way to think institutional art support and art making.
To propose a practical experience of 7 artists from Brasil in Nederlands for just 15 days may sounds obvious. Therefore, conceptual and visual results were very strong. An urban context will never be a merely scenarium for an artwork - if the work arose from certain strange place/envoirnment.
Ways of art working says about ways of living life. In or outside institutions or streets.
(to be continue...!)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Log on to the blog
You can get the login information from Daniela Labra.
So lets be democratic and all make this Blog an interesting eclectic Electronic Magazine!
You can write in Portugese or English or both or not write at all and just post your images and drawings.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Cover FGA#10

Cover FGA#10
Originally uploaded by Perambulacao.
Dear Parambulars,
Nienke and I like to let you know that we are really sorry that we could not be for 100% involved in Perambulaçao. Anyway, we are still busy to get our magazine ready for the printer on wednesday... and it looks like THIS!!! Format is A5, 160 pages plus an insert from Museum Boijman Van Beuningen. FGA-THE INTERVIEWS with: Chris Dercon, Catherine David, Sjarel Ex, Wilma Suto, Arno van Roosmalen and others + two text/research on Boijmans and a Fable. We are participating in a big exhibition in Boijmans and the magazine is our work! So, we hope you had a nice time in Rotterdam, and maybe... someday we will come to Rio and Sao Paulo. When? We don't,from the editors of Fucking Good Art / Rob & Nienke